Family Planning

Injectable Contraceptives at A Resettlement Site

May 16, 2014 Rotary Club of Multinational Manila (RIMM) has supported distribution of three month injectable contracepti...
Family Planning

Ligation April 29, 2014

On April 29th the first ligation service sponsored by Multinational Manila in cooperation with local health centers was ...
District Event / Fellowship

Chiang Mai International Club in Thailand

Secretary and PE Casey visited Chiang Mai and joined a club meeting of Rotary Club of Chiang Mai International on April ...
Disaster Aid

Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) Survivor Support Projects and Typhoon History

The City of Alfonso had collected and had also saved cash donations for the Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) survivors and also ...
Family Planning

Club Meeting – Jan 21, 2014

The Jan. 21, 2014 club meeting was attended by non-Rotarian guests from Japan and focused on the support trips for the T...
Disaster Aid

Club Meeting – Jan 7, 2014

Multinational Manila’s Jan. 7th, 2014 club meeting was attended by a municipal councilor from the City of Alfonso who is...
Family Planning

2014 Gift Giving to Indigent & Family Planning

January 03, 2014 JRIMM (Rotary International Multinational Manila) Rotarians collaborated with DSWD (Department of Socia...
Disaster Aid

Surviving Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan)

11:00am – 3:00pm November 8th, 2013 This is the life-changing story of one group of fishermen and their families. After ...
Disaster Aid

Women Empowerment

0700 Saturday, December 14th, 2013 Six tough women pose proudly for a photo with work clothes supplied by UNDP (United N...